Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Flightless Reindeer

I published Kieran's first book this week. It is know the title. She started this comic last December, put it down on page three, and went about her business. Sometimes, she looses the story, not knowing where it will go or what will happen. This is what happened to my birthday comic last year, FOO CAT. It started out great! It was exciting. The buildup was there. Something magical and mysterious was going to happen to the characters Kieran had developed, then she got stuck. "I just don't know what's going to happen, Mom!". I have seen it before. It also happened during the gripping saga, PET WARS, a take-off of Star Wars. I said, "your readers are waiting!". She said, "sorry Mom, I don't like Star Wars and I just don't know what's going to happen to Duke Skyhopper, Yorda and R2 - P2." You just can't force a creative person to create, so I let it go.

This year, Kieran unearthed the first three pages of THE FLIGHTLESS REINDEER she had started in 2009 and she picked it up, the story unfolding in that frantic way that gets in the way of things like homework and sleep. When she finished, late Tuesday night, I knew I had to share this story. It was clever, beautifully expressed, sweet, funny and it made me tear up not once, but twice. Being the person I am, the kind who says, "I'll just do it myself!" to many many things, I went to work on Lulu, the site I published my blog essays into the book, PERFECTLY IMPERFECT.  I'm still waiting for my 15 copies to arrive. You too can enjoy Kieran's first published book, the first of many, I am sure! just go to and type in THE FLIGHTLESS REINDEER. You won't be sorry!Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Grumpys

Teddy Vs. Betty

Kieran began an official CARTOONING class today.

Here is what is percolating up:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Long Wait!

I know. You have been waiting a LONG time for an update by Kieran. She did the horses on the back of my business cards while attending a wedding in June. The photographs she posed and took herself on my iphone. The painting of the dragon, she did last Sunday. and the elephant was completed recently on doodle buddy, also on my iphone.

Kieran has two new comic strips completed and did a whole pile of amazing little drawings when we were in Italy, like this one, where she drew us all as animals, dogs, sea creatures or foods.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kieran The Musician

This little film snippet is from the warm up room, prior to the concert. Kieran was not in the mood to look at me.

Kieran is a multitalented being. Not only does she write and draw, act as she did in A Midsummer Night's Dream in the spring, but she also plays music. She was pushed, shoved and coerced into Band Camp this summer so that she might really learn to play her saxophone, which she picked up in September to play in the Hope School Band. On thursday, she was part of an orchestra. She was great! I am so proud!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Doodle Buddy

Kieran has written three or four brilliant comics in the last three weeks. Maybe you will get lucky and read some of them. Until then, how about some doodle buddy art she has created on my iphone? Aidan is her favorite model.
Aidan and Domo as burglurs
Aidan as Domo, Domo as Aidan
gator and lion
Harry Potter and Dobby
Kieran Meaney, older sister



My photo
Hi. My name is Kieran Meaney. I have been drawing since I was 3, cartooning since I was 8, and animating since I was 10. My cousins call me Waggytail, ('Tis fun!) and I love the outdoors and creating. I will be the youngest person without a Facebook in my grade and I likes bugs. X3